Signature Technologies
EmoGen. Innovating Your Future.

Emerging Energies
EmoGen was founded on the principle that new sources of renewable energy are critical to the future of human growth and development. EmoGen is committed to the implementation of innovation in the area of emerging energy sources and is at the forefront of renewable energy source development.

Harness The Energy of Movement
EmoGen’s revolutionary K-Coil and kinetic-servo technologies result in a daily energy development equivalent to millions of barrels of carbon-based fuel oil. EmoGen is committed to eliminating the refinement costs necessary to synthesize fuel oil by the use of its patented kinetic-servo technologies resulting in savings of millions of dollars in fuel costs daily.

Dampening in Modern Motive and Rocket Technologies
A world where the excessive fuel costs and dangers of high speed and rocket-based technologies can be mitigated by kinetic dampening is within reach. EmoGen’s research and development in the areas in gravimagnetic reduction is on the cutting edge, unparalleled by any competitor. Someday soon, drag and deceleration in motive vehicles of all types will be a zeroenergy cost game with EmoGen’s kinetic dampening devices.

Kinetic Barriers Save Lives
EmoGen’s kinetic barrier line of products, all equipped with the latest patented kinetic servos, prevent forward movement across a static line between two linked posts and save lives.

Law Enforcement Technologies
EmoGen is committed to its implementation and development of its LawLine of kinetic-servo equipped products. Portable kinetic fencing and zeroK fields protect our law enforcement partners from projectiles of all types. Contact your EmoGen LawLine concierge today to learn more.

The Kepler Quantum Tunnel Is Nearly Complete
Bridge Station will soon be a reality and the pinnace point of the Kepler Bridge quantum tunnel will realized. One of the three points of embarkation across a verifiable quantum bridge is only three weeks travel by shuttle from Earth orbit. Very soon, the instantaneous voyage across the Kepler Bridge will open up exploration and colonization to the hard gravity world of Kepler (c.f. Kepler-452b).
Scheduling An Appointment
Founded in 1994 by Lewis and Ava Mayer, today EmoGen is the international energy and technology company they’d always envisioned.